**** Vi har startet påmelding til sommeren 2025 

**** Aktuelt

Lyst til å jobbe hos oss? Vi trenger kokk, hjelpeledere og instruktører. Kontakt Irene på 99725891

**** Timeridning

We offer hourly riding sessions this summer with rides from 1-3 hours, riding for children on small ponies. Feel free to contact us on telephone 99725891.

**** Hester

Vi trenger hester og ponnier i sommer. Er interessert i å låne og kjøpe. Ta kontakt på 99725891.

Years of experience

About us

When Nils and Kari tried a regular program (riding camp) in addition to hourly riding for approximately 35 years ago, we had 12 horses the first summer. A lot had to be learned, but first and foremost we put security for the participants, and they should enjoy themselves and have a social and educational week. We found that we had to have a variety of horses and ponies to choose from. Our motto has always been: Only when you are happy are we happy.

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