**** Vi har startet påmelding til sommeren 2025
**** Aktuelt
Lyst til å jobbe hos oss? Vi trenger kokk, hjelpeledere og instruktører. Kontakt Irene på 99725891
**** Timeridning
We offer hourly riding sessions this summer with rides from 1-3 hours, riding for children on small ponies. Feel free to contact us on telephone 99725891.
**** Hester
Vi trenger hester og ponnier i sommer. Er interessert i å låne og kjøpe. Ta kontakt på 99725891.

About us
When Nils and Kari tried a regular program (riding camp) in addition to hourly riding for approximately 35 years ago, we had 12 horses the first summer. A lot had to be learned, but first and foremost we put security for the participants, and they should enjoy themselves and have a social and educational week. We found that we had to have a variety of horses and ponies to choose from. Our motto has always been: Only when you are happy are we happy.
For many years now, 50-60 horses and ponies have trawled the pastures on Skogshorn, and the number of participants has been around 25-30 a week. A few years ago, the riding camp was transformed into the family business Skogshorn rideleir AS with the son Oddmund and granddaughter Irene as owners.
Irene is a trained riding teacher level 1 at Starum. She is responsible for the daily operation throughout the summer and the release of horses on feed.
Oddmund steps in when something is to be arranged at the riding camp, it being fences, riding arenas, roads, transport of horses, feeding, etc. He is also responsible for registration.
Karin is a trained farrier. She is in charge of shoeing the horses throughout the summer. Also contributes with various outstanding tasks.
We also have several skilled leaders with us.
Together we hope to still be able to give you the learning and riding experience you seek!
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